Here is a little bit of our hour of Pumpkin Playdating...
Playing in The Maze.

My bunch... Obviously, 2/3 of my group still have PKS--Photographer's Kid Syndrome!

The Entire Bunch--a difficult task to accomplish while subjects are wearing fall clothes in summer heat. Oh and sun is still severely bright. But still fun!

Little Man was digging all the pumpkins... The poor workers probably had to spend a while just putting them back where they belong after he kept dragging them off.

My beautiful girl!

Two of this dude... He was liking my camera (for once)! He's a busy bee, so I know mom has a hard time getting shots of him.

My little princess! Notice anything new? Yep, she got her ears pierced! She wanted them like big sissy's so we went this past weekend.

This is little dude's big sister. Doesn't she have the cutest little puppy dog eyes?

And her other younger brother (the middle child). So similar to my middle child (in so many ways)!

Just a snap--middle child was bringing Caleb all these pumpkins. It was cute because he kept motioning for him to bring more to him.

Our outing almost went off without any mishaps until Little Man decided to walk and trip on the skids. So he's got a nice gash in his forehead along his hairline. We pretty much ended our time there after that and came to the house for more playdate fun and dinner. One more mishap of Haidyn falling and skinning her chin... Nothing like facial boo-boos the day before a family photoshoot! We might have to post-pone that... Oh and yes, I'm playing with my display borders... Trying to figure out what I like best!
Where was this pumpkin patch?
It's in RW almost to 549 off of 66. It's at a landscaping place.
Great pictures!!! I love the new ear-piercing, too! How fun!
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