The other night we had an amazing view out the front of our house. It had briefly rained (if I remember correctly). The sun was lighting up the treeline, but it also was creating a huge rainbow. I don't think I've ever seen one this wide, actually...

Updating with a before picture (this is basically how the camera captured the scene in JPG mode). I shoot in JPG + Raw, so I have both forms... So basically all I did to the one above was adjust the temp., increase the blacks, boost the clarity all in ACR. Then I brought it to CS3, ran a USM (sharpen), watermarked it, border, and resize for web. So not a whole lot of editing.

And then when I turned around to walk back to the house, I saw this amazing skyline from the back of the house. Simply gorgeous, huh?

Updated with SOOC (straight out of camera version).

These are the reasons I love living in the 'country'! You just don't get these views everywhere.
So as you can see, by editing, the main thing was that by increasing the blacks, I was able to show deeper colors and more depth.
I LOVE these pictures, Jill. I love it when the sky is stained with beautiful colors!
OK, so you convinced me...there is ONE benefit to living in the middle of nowhere!
Beautiful photos.
I have an idea...would you be willing to post a before and after photo? I know you are a gifted photographer, but I think you are an artist as well in how your eye picks up flaws in pictures...your editing should be showcased as well. Just a thought...
Sure! I'll try to pull a couple together in the next day or so.
I was just thinking as I read the post and scrolled through the pictures how much I wish we lived in the country or at least on a little bit of acreage with a few trees. Beautiful shots.
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