First, you get your cookie ready to dunk. (notice big sister laughing her head off)

Once dunked, insert sopping cookie into mouth. (Can you see the milk dripping from her fingers and hands? We don't play around over here!)

Be sure to chew thoroughly.

Ahh, yeah... Cookie mouth and cookie teeth. Success! (if you look hard enough you can see the orange mustache from the Sunkist she had earlier that day)

Clean-up time... See the messy fingers?

Proceed to remove cookies from fingers.

Okay, if that doesn't work, get napkin to remove remaining cookies.

Continue with next cookie until parents proclaim that's enough for tonight.

Oh and this is a daddy and girls thing because mommy does NOT drink milk. So it's something they get to share together!
Now, leave me some love... Pretty please! My comment box is feeling mighty neglected lately.
If some of these pics have a weird haze on her hands, etc. It's because I was practicing some things I had read about using speedlights. I wanted to test just how low you could go on your shutter speed and it still freeze the frame. Obviously 1/15th of sec. is still too slow in some.
That is strange how her hand looks. Looks like a pretty good way to eat an Oreo. I think even those that don't like milk should eat Oreos dipped in milk. It is a tough combo to beat.
Oh my gosh, I had to laugh out loud when I read your comments and saw the pictures - VERY funny!!!
I think I'll go home and eat an oreo now.......LOL Oh wait, I did forget to tell a funny story - Les was eating an Oreo last night and he dipped it in tea - now how about THAT combo - YUCK! :)
Oh gosh... Well, I knew he dipped bread in tea, but not Oreos! Quite funny what he'll dip in his tea, but doesn't like his food to touch on his plate. LOL!
those are soooo cute!! you capture great moments :) love n miss yall aunt danielle
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