JC - Originals Photography


Hello and welcome to my blog!

This is where I share sneak peeks with my clients and tidbits of my family through photography. I'm very blessed to be doing what I've always wanted to do... stay at home with my 3 beautiful children and photograph those around me; all with the support of my loving husband. In the meantime, sit back, relax and enjoy a little bit of us and my photography! Oh and I love comments... Let me know you're reading and what you like about it! Jill Cornelius **If you're looking for older posts, scroll down to the bottom of this page and you will find the archives. Then you can select the month or exact post you're looking for.

JC-Originals Photography

Jill is a Rockwall, Caddo Mills, Royse City, and other surrounding East Dallas areas Family, Baby, and Children Photographer Specializing in Natural Light On Location Photography.


A Princess for the C Family...

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting Princess C. She was such a teeny little thing. And as I always try to prepare the parents, she did exactly the opposite of what they thought she would. You see, they said she sleeps all the time and is really only awake in the middle of the night or to eat. Well, yesterday she wanted to see the world and all that was in it! Which was really no problem because she was still a happy little girl. No fussing really--just bright eyed! So we fed her and fed her, shh'd her, patted her, got the room all warm and finally just rocked her and she was finally down for the count.

She let us do all kind of things with her as you'll see from this sneak...

First off, she has this beautiful bedding that a family friend made. I thought this collage would be a neat little add to the decor to show it off. Oh and check off the booties--they are hand-made!
Look a that face and full lips!

So tiny in my basket.

Then another family friend knitted this blanket. It's so delicate, like Princess C, I thought the picture called for a vintage look.

The new family...

Sisters: Friends for a lifetime!

In Daddy's hands...

Yawn--modeling is hard work!

Mommy and princess...

Thank you C Family for letting me come play with your baby doll... She was just that--a doll! I'll be in touch when the rest of your proofs are ready.

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All images are the sole property of JC-Originals Photography by Jill Cornelius. You MUST obtain written permission from the artist to use any and all images on this site. Saving any images from this site is STEALING. Please DO NOT do it.