JC - Originals Photography


Hello and welcome to my blog!

This is where I share sneak peeks with my clients and tidbits of my family through photography. I'm very blessed to be doing what I've always wanted to do... stay at home with my 3 beautiful children and photograph those around me; all with the support of my loving husband. In the meantime, sit back, relax and enjoy a little bit of us and my photography! Oh and I love comments... Let me know you're reading and what you like about it! Jill Cornelius **If you're looking for older posts, scroll down to the bottom of this page and you will find the archives. Then you can select the month or exact post you're looking for.

JC-Originals Photography

Jill is a Rockwall, Caddo Mills, Royse City, and other surrounding East Dallas areas Family, Baby, and Children Photographer Specializing in Natural Light On Location Photography.


It all has to come to an end...

I honestly don't know where this summer went... It is hard to believe that on Monday we'll be getting back into the groove of school. My big girl is going to be a 2nd grader. Wow! And then today--my baby, little man, monkey boy--is TWO! No more baby anymore. It's amazing too because every day he acts more and more like a little boy; talking and saying just a little more than the day before.

Well, I thought I'd round out the 'end of summer' (even if we live in TX and summer doesn't technically end for a while now) with some more pics from our vacation. These are for our friends--the W family. Our first vacation together and we all survived... 4 adults and 6 kids... However, do we manage? LOL!

Kind of bittersweet... Haidyn and Miss A have gotten pretty close these past couple of years and now Miss A is going to be a big Kindergartener! Haidy-hoo still has another year before she goes to school.

For some reason, I just love the real life stuff... Kids in their own world, but nonetheless happy because of the bond these two people committed to many years ago.

Gotta love kids! Even if their helping isn't 'helping'...

The end to a great year and the start to an even greater one!

The whole gang... And yes, that is my son (the photographer's kid) that is not interested in having his pic taken.

One more--for my birthday boy... A pic with mommy!

Thanks W Family. We really had a great time and can't wait until the next one!

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All images are the sole property of JC-Originals Photography by Jill Cornelius. You MUST obtain written permission from the artist to use any and all images on this site. Saving any images from this site is STEALING. Please DO NOT do it.